I appreciate Imran Khan's will to fix things in the country but the way he is doing it is wrong.
A politician Protesting outside of the Parliament house with Qadri clown in tow, when he should have been inside the parliament to bring about the change he desires. Maybe needs a lesson in how democratic Institutions function.
His association with people like Sheikh Rashid, TUQ , Jamshed Dasti and others joining his band wagon makes me wonder what kind of a change will we see?
It feels more like a personal vendetta of Khan against Nawaz Sharif because he lost the elections...and i was rooting for IK in the last elections, strangely hoping for change...
This time IK's decision to join TUQ was a political suicide and it made him lose face. He needed more people to boost his strength and he let Qadri join his crowd to show strength in numbers which he was lacking on his own.
IK has the right to protest and hold rallies but not at the expense of the Constitutional Democracy. Sharif brothers are corrupt like any other politician but then Imran Khan himself being surrounded by career lota politicians himself is a "Khula tazad" ( Contradiction )
He will fight corruption with the help of corrupt and career politicians by his side?
I understand the desire of people who are with IK supporting him because they want change and they want things to improve in the country but I think they are betting on the wrong horse ( A horse without conviction and changing colors all the time)
I hope they can see the mistakes he is making and hold his feet to the fire to keep him on track rather than blindly follow him like people follow their Pirs (TUQ)
TUQ's summoning up people is no big deal. He is their Pir and they will even die for him. They don't care about the politics or the situation in the country they chant "change and Justice" because their leader Qadri tells them to. It is a Qadri "Cult" not a group of thoughtful aware Pakistanis out on the streets wanting change and Justice. Qadri is a Cult leader, reincarnated Politician. And we all know he flies in all the way from Canada whenever his services are needed by his Aqas to pressurize the political Govt. ( A true democrat and a "Son of Soil", which soil is questionable )
Meanwhile Nawaz Sharif looks like he has not learned from his previous mistakes ( that says a lot about his wisdom )
He feels a sense of entitlement like many other Politicians do ( you have to be a bit of a Narcissist to be a leader or a politician) Him and Shahbaz Sharif have a sense of ownership over Punjab and Punjabi electorate by re electing them have proved that.
If anyone is to be blamed for their re election it is the People of Punjab who keep giving Sharifs the mandate. (with the help of a little dhandli) But then that is always to be expected unless electoral system is reformed and Election commission of Pakistan is strengthened and given some teeth and independence. That should be the focus, if things need to be fixed. Electoral reforms.
System should be strengthened not undermined by asking for resignation of a sitting Prime minister by mustering up a crowd of few thousand people. What kind of precedent that will set if anytime anyone is unhappy they march on the state Capital and ask a democratically elected Govt to resign because they don't like the way they are running the country???
Vote is the tool of change in a democracy. Work for fixing the electoral system and then convince people to vote for your party. If enough people agree with your message then you will win. Work on the message and wait for your turn in the next elections.
Leaders are answerable to the people. People should critique their leaders and point out the flaws in their strategy to keep them in line and make them do the right thing not follow blindly.
Power is in people's hand and they have to point out the flaws so that they can be fixed.Hero worship and Pir worship doesn't help. Blind loyalty doesn't help either."Constructive critique" does.
Listen to everyone especially people who have a different or opposite point of view than you. You can learn from them. They can help you see the mistakes and flaws that need to be fixed. Diplomacy is the best way forward. You talk to your enemies to make peace and solve problems. That is called "Problem solving."
In the end, all Pakistanis want good of the country, they just have different ways of going about it. There are a lot of political parties but they are all Pakistani political parties. There is no "US" against "Them" ...there is just Us against Us.
You put your egos aside and talk. An eye for an eye leaves everyone blind.
Be "Educated" awam ( education is the key ) and make your leaders listen to you.
People make or break the leaders, leaders need people to be leaders. "No followers no leader".
Leaders actually follow people, not people following leaders. They need you. They are nothing without you. Good Luck!
Power to the people!