Thursday, March 8, 2012

Is Google god?

Is Google god?
It sure feels like it at times....Google knows all about you. Google is very close to knows your likes, your dislikes, your hopes, your dreams, your life, your plans, what you like to eat, where you live, what you like to shop....your taste in music, your wants and needs. It knows you so well that it will suggest you songs to your taste, stores that you like to shop at... even what people to friend. They even put up ads to you that are specifically aimed at you. I get ads about Desi clothes, I get ads about Muslims finding Muslims on line, I get ads from Political Parties in an election year and I get ads to help support causes that I have supported in the past. Google knows me!
God knows me!
Both Google and god start with the letter "G".
If Google is not god, then it sure is hand of God on earth or working for God...gathering all the info about us, our activities and probably takes the report to God every night, instead of the usual Farishtas/ Angels.
Be good people. Google &&^##@%$%% sorry i meant God is watching you and knows everything about you... Fix your ways before it is too late.