Friday, September 21, 2012

I Protest!

I protest the anti Muslim Movie that was meant to provoke Muslims. I protest!
 I also protest the way we the Muslims protested in response to this movie. I protest!

The provocateur provoked and we responded. We responded in a fashion that they wanted us to respond in...violently and senselessly destroying our own property and killing our own people to express our rage and by doing so we fell into their trap. They want to portray us and our faith as violent and by our reaction we reaffirmed that.

The movie maker has succeeded in defaming our religion...not with his movie but by the Muslims reaction to the movie all over the world. Mission accomplished!

Muslims violent reaction to the provocation has put Muslims on the defensive again in the World. Here we are on the airwaves explaining to the world that our faith is not violent and synonymous with terrorism but a religion of Peace. But actions speak louder than words...

The violent vocal minority has become the identity of Islam. They are loud armed and organized. The silent majority has to start making noise and get loud so as to drown the voices of the violent minority.

Here are a few things that i think were fueling these protest...
1- People are angry about a lot of things and this movie gave them an excuse to take out their anger and frustrations... burning and destroying their own country's property and killing their own people to vent their anger over a lot of other things.

2- There is a huge Outrage Industry in the Muslim world. And the leaders of these Muslim countries know how to manipulate it. It's a cynical manipulation of the people. Divert attention from what is wrong at home and in their own countries to outwards. America is an easy bogeyman. Let them chant down with America, they take their rage and frustrations of all that is bothering them on America and the movie, so they don't look inwards and ask questions about what is actually wrong in the Muslim world. Keep the people distracted so they don't see what is actually wrong with their countries and ask for answers there.

3- Also in the wake of Arab spring different groups are vying for power and might be using this outrage to garner support for their cause or their group. Islamism was waning in the Islamic world but this will help reinvigorate that movement too.
Pakistani Govt announced a holiday so people could protest...they did it just to gain cheap popularity with the masses and divert attention from the leadership that is highly unpopular these days.

4- It wasn't just people protesting the anti Muslim movie...there were criminals in the guise of protesters too who used this as an excuse to loot and plunder as well. Attacking banks and businesses, killing anyone who got in the way of looting and then running away with the stolen goods. How Islamic is that?

The hypocrisy is that we demand that people of other faith respect our faith yet we don't give their faiths the same respect. The minorities don't feel safe in our country. We burned down their Church because we want them to respect our faith...we don't respect their houses of worship but we want them to pass legislation to defend our faith?

When will we think with our heads and not our hearts? When will we learn that destroying your own property to protest something that happened abroad is not the way to go. It doesn't even make sense. Burn down your own house because the people in the other house made you angry?

Innocent Pakistanis were killed, Pakistani property was destroyed, some Pakistani has lost their source of income, some Pakistani family is grieving the loss of a loved is that avenging disrespect to our Holy  Prophet (PBUH). Would our Prophet (PBUH) be pleased with his Ummah's actions?
I ask these protesters how much they follow Prophet (PBUH) in their day to day lives? If they truly followed Him they wouldn't be acting in this manner.

The guy who made this anti Muslim movie and the people who were part of violent protests collaborated to make this a Calamity.

I believe in Protest, Protest but Protest Intelligently.

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